Legislature(2005 - 2006)HOUSE FINANCE 519

03/02/2006 01:30 PM House FINANCE

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Heard & Held
Moved CSHB 394(L&C) Out of Committee
Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled
Moved CSHB 395(FIN) Out of Committee
                  HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE                                                                                       
                       March 2, 2006                                                                                            
                         1:42 P.M.                                                                                              
CALL TO ORDER                                                                                                                 
Co-Chair Meyer called the House  Finance Committee meeting to                                                                   
order at 1:42:38 PM.                                                                                                          
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Representative Mike Chenault, Co-Chair                                                                                          
Representative Kevin Meyer, Co-Chair                                                                                            
Representative Bill Stoltze, Vice-Chair                                                                                         
Representative Richard Foster                                                                                                   
Representative Mike Hawker                                                                                                      
Representative Jim Holm                                                                                                         
Representative Reggie Joule                                                                                                     
Representative Mike Kelly                                                                                                       
Representative Bruce Weyhrauch                                                                                                  
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
Representative Beth Kerttula                                                                                                    
Representative Carl Moses                                                                                                       
ALSO PRESENT                                                                                                                  
Representative   Jay    Ramras;   Konrad    Jackson,   Staff,                                                                   
Representative   Kurt    Olson;   Mike   Pawlowski,    Staff,                                                                   
Representative  Kevin  Meyer;  Sheldon  Winters,  State  Farm                                                                   
Insurance     Representative;     Jane    Pierson,     Staff,                                                                   
Representative Jay Ramras                                                                                                       
PRESENT VIA TELECONFERENCE                                                                                                    
Quinlan  Steiner,   Director,  Office  of   Public  Defender,                                                                   
Anchorage;  Josh  Fink,  Public Advocate,  Office  of  Public                                                                   
Advocacy, Anchorage                                                                                                             
HB 321    An Act  relating to high risk operation  of a motor                                                                   
          vehicle,  aircraft, or  watercraft while  under the                                                                   
          influence  of an alcoholic  beverage, inhalant,  or                                                                   
          controlled substance  and to refusal to submit to a                                                                   
          chemical test.                                                                                                        
          HB 321 was HEARD and HELD in Committee for further                                                                    
   HB 394    An Act relating to  allowing insurance policies  to                                                                
             be filed, approved, and delivered in languages                                                                     
             other than English if an official English language                                                                 
             version is also provided.                                                                                          
             CS HB 394 (L&C) was reported out of Committee with                                                                 
             a "no" recommendation and with zero note #1 by the                                                                 
             Department of Commerce, Community & Economic                                                                       
 HB 395    An Act extending the period of the fire season.                                                                      
             CS HB 395 (FIN) was reported out of Committee with                                                                 
             a "do pass" recommendation and with a new zero                                                                     
             note by the House Finance Committee.                                                                               
   1:43:18 PM                                                                                                                 
   HOUSE BILL NO. 395                                                                                                         
      An Act extending the period of the fire season.                                                                           
   Co-Chair Chenault  MOVED to  ADOPT work  draft #24-LS1550\F,                                                                 
   Bullock, 3/2/06,  as the  version of the  legislation before                                                                 
 the Committee.  There being NO OBEJCTION, it was adopted.                                                                      
   KONRAD JACKSON, STAFF,  REPRESENTATIVE  KURT OLSON, SPONSOR,                                                                 
   explained the  changes that  had been  made.   The committee                                                                 
   substitute adds an immediate  effective date and changes  the                                                                
   date of the fire  season by adding a  month to the beginning                                                                 
   and ending one month earlier.   With that change, the fiscal                                                                 
   note  was zeroed   out.   Mr.  Jackson  noted  a  conceptual                                                                 
   amendment, which would change the title.                                                                                     
   1:45:22 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative  Kelly   indicated   that  he   supports  the                                                                 
   committee substitute.  He  appreciated the sponsor's help  in                                                                
   reaching the zero note.                                                                                                      
   1:46:34 PM                                                                                                                 
   Co-Chair Meyer MOVED to ADOPT conceptual Amendment #1, which                                                                 
   would make  changes  to  Page  1, Line  1,  after  "An Act",                                                                 
   deleting "extending" and inserting "relating to".   Co-Chair                                                                 
   Chenault OBJECTED.                                                                                                           
   Co-Chair Meyer explained that intent of the amendment was  to                                                                
   make a necessary  title change.   Co-Chair Chenault WITHDREW                                                                 
   his OBJECTION.   There  being NO  further OBJECTION,  it was                                                                 
   1:47:43 PM                                                                                                                 
Representative Foster MOVED to  REPORT CS HB 395 (FIN) out of                                                                   
Committee with  individual recommendations  and with  the new                                                                   
zero note.  There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered.                                                                        
CS HB  395 (FIN)  was reported  out of  Committee with  a "do                                                                   
pass" recommendation  and with a  new zero note by  the House                                                                   
Finance Committee.                                                                                                              
1:48:29 PM                                                                                                                    
HOUSE BILL NO. 394                                                                                                            
     An  Act relating  to allowing insurance  policies  to be                                                                   
     filed, approved,  and delivered in languages  other than                                                                   
     English if an official English  language version is also                                                                   
MIKE PAWLOWSKI, STAFF, REPRESENTATIVE  KEVIN MEYER, explained                                                                   
that HB 394 would remove an obstacle  that prevents companies                                                                   
from  serving  the 80,000  Alaskans  that currently  speak  a                                                                   
language other than English.                                                                                                    
The  problem  is  that  in  current   statute,  there  is  no                                                                   
provision, designating  which version of an  insurance policy                                                                   
or associated  materials would be  the official version.   At                                                                   
this   time,  all   materials  are   published  in   English.                                                                   
Designating  an  official  version  in  English  would  allow                                                                   
companies to service their customers better.                                                                                    
1:49:58 PM                                                                                                                    
Representative  Weyhrauch  questioned  if the  Department  of                                                                   
Commerce,  Community  &  Economic  Development  supports  the                                                                   
1:50:24 PM                                                                                                                    
Mr.  Pawlowski  responded  that  the  Division  of  Insurance                                                                   
representative  was not  able  to come  to the  meeting.   He                                                                   
noted the letter in member's indicating support.                                                                                
Representative Weyhrauch asked why the bill was needed.                                                                         
1:50:55 PM                                                                                                                    
SHELDON  WINTERS,  REPRESENTATIVE  FOR STATE  FARM  INSURANCE                                                                   
suggested that  HB 394 is  a win-win  bill.  It  benefits the                                                                   
consumer and the  industry, as it provides a  better product.                                                                   
The Division of Insurance supports it.                                                                                          
Mr.  Winters  pointed  out  in   today's  society,  insurance                                                                   
permeates   basically  everything.     The   intent  of   the                                                                   
   legislation  is  to provide  better  information   about the                                                                 
   insurance product to foreign speaking customers so that they                                                                 
   can make wiser choices about their insurance decisions.                                                                      
   In Alaska Court case law, when  there is a dispute about the                                                                 
   insurance contract, the  court will look  to the language of                                                                 
   the insurance policy and any  other evidence.  The bill does                                                                 
   not control that, but does  address the concern if insurance                                                                 
   companies provide  foreign  language advertising  or policy.                                                                 
   The  English   version  controls   as  long   as  the  other                                                                 
   requirements  are  met.    Mr.  Winters  offered  to  answer                                                                 
   questions of the Committee.                                                                                                  
   1:53:47 PM                                                                                                                 
   Co-Chair Meyer  inquired  if  the  burden  would  be  on the                                                                 
   insurance companies.   Mr. Winters replied  it would.  There                                                                 
   is nothing  that  prohibits  the  insurance  companies  from                                                                 
   issuing foreign language advertising.   When filing with  the                                                                
   Division of Insurance,  the actual  policy form  would be  in                                                                
   1:54:22 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative Weyhrauch asked  why the bill  was needed and                                                                 
   what currently prohibits it under State law.                                                                                 
   1:54:48 PM                                                                                                                 
   Mr. Winters responded  that there is  nothing that prohibits                                                                 
   the practice  except for  the Supreme  Court case  law, if  a                                                                
   foreign language version available,  the Supreme Court could                                                                 
   base their  dispute on  the fact  that the  foreign language                                                                 
   version would control.  Given  that, insurance companies  are                                                                
 reluctant to issue any information in a foreign language.                                                                      
   1:55:27 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative  Weyhrauch asked  if  there  is  a difference                                                                 
   between a  foreign  language  and an  English  version  of  a                                                                
   policy, then which version would control.  Mr. Winters noted                                                                 
   that the legislation would  clarify that the English version                                                                 
   would rule.                                                                                                                  
   Representative Weyhrauch asked if that was true, even if the                                                                 
   customer  was  not  able  to  read  English.    Mr.  Winters                                                                 
   clarified that  without  the  provision, there  would  be  no                                                                
   foreign  language  provision  at  all.    The  idea  is that                                                                 
   information would  be  provided  in a  foreign  language  for                                                                
   their information,  but a  disclaimer  would exist  that the                                                                 
   English version  ultimately  controls.   The  point  is  that                                                                
   without the  bill,  the  foreign language-speaking  customer                                                                 
   will have no translation.                                                                                                    
1:56:51 PM                                                                                                                    
Representative  Weyhrauch asked if  the Court presently  uses                                                                   
all evidence, has there been overriding  of that ruling.  Mr.                                                                   
Winters  understood that  was the direction  of the  Statute.                                                                   
He added,  it would  only apply to  documents in  English and                                                                   
not a foreign language.  There  would be a disclosure in both                                                                   
1:57:41 PM                                                                                                                    
Representative  Joule  observed   testimony  indicating  that                                                                   
"foreign"  really meant  non-English.   He  advised that  the                                                                   
Alaska Native  language is not foreign and  recommended using                                                                   
"non-English" speaking.                                                                                                         
Mr. Winters apologized,  noting they had attempted  to change                                                                   
it to non-English.                                                                                                              
1:58:39 PM                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair Meyer  took responsibility for  the use of  the word                                                                   
1:59:01 PM                                                                                                                    
Representative  Kelly  asked  if  the change  had  been  made                                                                   
elsewhere in  Statute.  Mr. Winters  did not know.   Co-Chair                                                                   
Meyer interjected that this was  the first time the issue had                                                                   
come up as far as he knew.  Representative  Kelly inquired if                                                                   
he thought it would be the first of many.                                                                                       
1:59:54 PM                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair  Meyer did  not know;  he admitted  that he did  not                                                                   
know if other industries would  need the extra documentation.                                                                   
Mr. Winters  did not  think the  legislation would  "open the                                                                   
flood  gates".  The  insurance  arena is unique.   Court  law                                                                   
interprets  an  insurance  contract  very strictly.    In  an                                                                   
insurance  dispute, there  is a case  precedence noting  that                                                                   
the review  would not  be limited to  the contract,  which is                                                                   
the concern.                                                                                                                    
2:01:02 PM                                                                                                                    
Representative  Kelly  worried  that  changing  the  language                                                                   
would affect many other statutory concerns.                                                                                     
2:02:01 PM                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair Meyer did  not agree with that concern,  noting that                                                                   
English is the dominant language  and the one accepted by the                                                                   
   Mr.  Winters  added  that   the  legislation  addresses   the                                                                
   opportunity to provide policy  brochures in both English  and                                                                
   Representative Kelly provided an  example of his involvement                                                                 
   on a bank  board.  He  reiterated his concern  about all the                                                                 
   other potential agencies that could be affected.                                                                             
   2:03:29 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative Foster  discussed the  influx of  people from                                                                 
   Southeast Asia in Nome and how the legislation could benefit                                                                 
   them in business.   He added  that for the  most part, there                                                                 
   are elders that  cannot read  English.  He  thought that the                                                                 
   bill would fill a missing void.                                                                                              
   2:05:35 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative Weyhrauch  asserted that  insurance companies                                                                 
   can  already  provide  the   non-English  information.     He                                                                
   stressed that  the concern  remains, the legal  immunity  and                                                                
   deterrent of the insured.                                                                                                    
   2:06:14 PM                                                                                                                 
   Mr. Pawlowski  pointed out  that  the legislation  would not                                                                 
   provide a policy call for knowingly misrepresenting terms  in                                                                
   the foreign language,  as that  would be a  violation of the                                                                 
   chapter.  The dilemma is that  no translation can be perfect                                                                 
   and being a translation, it would  attempt to be as close as                                                                 
   2:06:57 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative Weyhrauch stated that insurance companies are                                                                 
   well advised to avoid punitive damages.                                                                                      
   2:07:53 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative Kelly asked if consideration had been made  to                                                                
   adding  language  that  could   cover  all  statutes.     Mr.                                                                
   Pawlowski  responded  they  had  not  gone  that  far.   The                                                                 
   legislation clarifies that  English is  the official version                                                                 
   for insurance.   The larger  issues were not  addressed.   As                                                                
   far as  the  State  is concerned,  English  is  the official                                                                 
   2:08:54 PM                                                                                                                 
   Co-Chair Meyer agreed,  noting that English  is the dominant                                                                 
   language.  Representative  Kelly predicted  other businesses                                                                 
   would want the same consideration down the road.                                                                             
   2:09:32 PM                                                                                                                 
Representative  Foster   MOVED  to  REPORT  HB   394  out  of                                                                   
Committee  with  individual  recommendations   and  with  the                                                                   
accompanying zero note.  There  being NO OBJECTION, it was so                                                                   
CS HB 394 (L&C)  was reported  out of  Committee with  a "no"                                                                   
recommendation  and with zero  note #1  by the Department  of                                                                   
Commerce, Community & Economic Development.                                                                                     
2:10:23 PM                                                                                                                    
HOUSE BILL NO. 321                                                                                                            
     An  Act  relating to  high  risk  operation of  a  motor                                                                   
     vehicle,  aircraft,   or  watercraft  while   under  the                                                                   
     influence  of   an  alcoholic  beverage,   inhalant,  or                                                                   
     controlled  substance  and to  refusal  to  submit to  a                                                                   
     chemical test.                                                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE  JAY  RAMRAS,  SPONSOR,  advised that  HB  321                                                                   
proposes  new  statutory language,  which  addresses  tougher                                                                   
Driving Under the  Influence (DUI) laws.  Presently,  it is a                                                                   
crime in  Alaska to  operate a vehicle  with a blood  alcohol                                                                   
level of .08 or greater.  The  proposed legislation would not                                                                   
change current  law, but  would create  an enhanced  crime of                                                                   
high risk driving under the influence.   A person commits the                                                                   
crime  of high risk  driving under  the influence,  if  it is                                                                   
determined by a  chemical test that a person's  blood alcohol                                                                   
concentration  (BAC) is  .16 or  greater.   A  person who  is                                                                   
convicted  of high risk  DUI would  face enhanced  sentences.                                                                   
Under the legislation, sentencing  for refusal to submit to a                                                                   
chemical test would also be made  tougher, to concur with the                                                                   
high risk DUI sentences.                                                                                                        
Representative  Ramras pointed  out that current  information                                                                   
from  the  National  Highway  Traffic  Safety  Administration                                                                   
(NHTSA)  shows  that  31 states  have  already  adopted  laws                                                                   
dealing with enhanced penalties  for high-blood alcohol level                                                                   
driving offenses.   The NHTSA  reports that over half  of all                                                                   
alcohol-related fatalities involve  someone with a .15 BAC or                                                                   
higher.  The high-risk driver  provision of HB 321 would take                                                                   
clear   aim  against   the  most   egregious  drunk   driving                                                                   
offenders, providing  stiffer penalties is a  legal remedy to                                                                   
bring their numbers down.  As  we have seen from the needless                                                                   
and tragic incidents that have  occurred in the Interior this                                                                   
past year,  now is  the time for  Alaska to address  stricter                                                                   
penalties for higher-risk driving under the influence.                                                                          
Representative  Ramras  emphasized  that the  legislation  is                                                                   
part  of a  full approach  to improve  alcohol management  in                                                                   
Alaska.    Earlier legislation  introduced,  which  has  been                                                                   
   signed  into  law,   involved  renewal   of  alcohol  server                                                                 
   education cards.                                                                                                             
   2:17:29 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative  Ramras noted  that  in  the  House Judiciary                                                                 
   Committee,  questions  were  posed  regarding  changing  the                                                                 
   behavior of the drunk driver  or changing how the deals with                                                                 
   those drivers.    He acknowledged  that  the  Legislature  is                                                                
   attempting to hold down rising  costs within government.   He                                                                
   noted the  repeal accompanying  the  bill, which  would help                                                                 
   measure the  effect  of  the  legislation  for  a three-year                                                                 
   period.  Representative  Ramras  pointed out  that the House                                                                 
   Judiciary Committee  (HJC) version of  the bill  was the one                                                                 
   being offered.                                                                                                               
   The legislation  attempts to  catch  problem drivers  at the                                                                 
   moment of crisis  and put them  into therapeutic  court.   He                                                                
   urged that the State  Legislature opt to  end up with "safer                                                                 
   2:20:32 PM                                                                                                                 
   JANE PIERSON, STAFF,  REPRESENTATIVE JAY  RAMRAS, offered  to                                                                
   answer questions of the Committee.                                                                                           
   2:20:54 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative Kelly noted that he supports the legislation,                                                                 
   however, remembered concerns voiced by Mothers Against Drunk                                                                 
   Driving (MADD).                                                                                                              
   Representative Ramras replied  that the rewrite  of the bill                                                                 
   has the support of MADD and the Cabaret Hotel and Restaurant                                                                 
   Retail Association (CHARR).  He noted it is difficult to get                                                                 
   those two groups to align on  anything.  Initially, MADD was                                                                 
   opposed to the legislation as it attempts to draw a standard                                                                 
   between drunk and "really drunk".                                                                                            
   2:22:53 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative  Holm  asked  if  there  was  data  available                                                                 
   regarding the reduction to Driving Under the Influence (DUI)                                                                 
   based upon the change from .08 to a super high rate if .15.                                                                  
   Representative  Ramras   advised   that  was   one   of  the                                                                 
   difficulties expressed  in  the  House  Judiciary Committee.                                                                 
   Some states referred to that as providing a lesser degree  of                                                                
   recidivism;  however,  that  information  was  antidotal   in                                                                
   nature.  That prompted  Representative Coghill  to ask if it                                                                 
   changed the  behavior of  the drinker  or the  way the State                                                                 
   deals with the drinker.   The committee  substitute places  a                                                                
   repealer in it to see how it  goes for the next three years.                                                                 
He recommended  that the Department of  Corrections determine                                                                   
the success.                                                                                                                    
2:25:02 PM                                                                                                                    
Ms. Pierson  added that studies  indicate that people  with a                                                                   
high BAC are  more likely to recidivate; that  group tends to                                                                   
have more  problems  with alcohol  abuse.   The intent  is to                                                                   
target that group.                                                                                                              
Representative   Ramras  acknowledged   that   Representative                                                                   
Coghill  had  voice  that  concern.    Representative  Ramras                                                                   
encouraged  members  to  pass  the bill  from  Committee  and                                                                   
support it on the House Floor.                                                                                                  
2:27:14 PM                                                                                                                    
Representative  Holm pointed  out  the fiscal  note does  not                                                                   
indicate a departmental change  down the road.  He would have                                                                   
hoped that  the Department of  Corrections sees  less expense                                                                   
down the line with passage of the bill.                                                                                         
2:28:19 PM                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair Meyer  mentioned that he  intended to HOLD  the bill                                                                   
in  Committee to  discuss  ways to  reduce  the fiscal  note,                                                                   
following public testimony.                                                                                                     
2:28:40 PM                                                                                                                    
Representative Hawker  commented on the separation  of "drunk                                                                   
from  really drunk"  and asked  if there  was any  scientific                                                                   
evidence used to determine the BAC levels.                                                                                      
Representative   Ramras   responded    that   in   the   HJC,                                                                   
Representative Gara  had addressed that concern.   He pointed                                                                   
out that in the federal transportation  bill, there are funds                                                                   
available to address  high BAC drinkers.  However,  there are                                                                   
other  components,   which  must   be  fulfilled,   including                                                                   
roadblocks and  checkpoints; those factors would  not work in                                                                   
Alaska.  It is recognized across  the country that a high BAC                                                                   
limit standard ranges  between .15 and .22.   The legislation                                                                   
choose .16.                                                                                                                     
2:31:25 PM                                                                                                                    
Representative  Hawker thought  that  the federal  government                                                                   
.08 standard  "blackmailed" the  State of Alaska.      He was                                                                   
outraged  by the  standard, stating  that  .16 compounds  the                                                                   
Representative Hawker asked the  percentage of error that can                                                                   
happen when  taking the  measurement.  Representative  Ramras                                                                   
   requested that the  Department of  Law or  the Department  of                                                                
   Public Safety speak to that.                                                                                                 
   2:32:46 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative Hawker suggested that the decisions made were                                                                 
   "arbitrary"  and   will   have   serious   consequences  for                                                                 
   individuals.    He  asked  if  the  sponsor  had  looked   at                                                                
   aggravator factors including accident or injury to someone.                                                                  
   Representative Ramras  said  those penalties  already exist.                                                                 
   He pointed out  that the  proposed figures  are arbitrary  as                                                                
   are the ones proposed  by the oil  industry.  Representative                                                                 
   Hawker argued that HB 321 seriously affects people's lives.                                                                  
   Representative Weyhrauch  asked if  the intended  sunset  was                                                                
   2009.  Representative Ramras advised the recommendation is  a                                                                
   sunset in three years.                                                                                                       
   Representative  Kelly  related  a  story  about the  alcohol                                                                 
   deaths  related  in  Fairbanks.   He  indicated  five  bills                                                                 
   resulting from  that outrage;  he asked  if HB  321 had been                                                                 
   chosen at the exclusion of the others.                                                                                       
   Representative Ramras responded  that MADD was not impressed                                                                 
   with HB 321 as  a deterrent.  The  legislation targets those                                                                 
   people who  have consumed  a great  deal of alcohol  and are                                                                 
   demonstrating impairment,  potentially causing  a great deal                                                                 
   of harm.  The bill  is only one of  many items MADD hopes  to                                                                
   see passed.                                                                                                                  
   2:38:46 PM                                                                                                                 
   Representative Joule questioned if a server could be charged                                                                 
   with civil liability  if the person drinking  moved from one                                                                 
   establishment to another.                                                                                                    
   Representative  Ramras said  they  could  and  that language                                                                 
   already  exists  in  statute.    He pointed   out the  risks                                                                 
   involved.  The younger age offender is the target; hopefully                                                                 
   before they become habitual offenders.                                                                                       
   Representative Holm asked for  an explanation of BAC and  how                                                                
   the  .08   number   is   attained.      He   concurred  with                                                                 
   Representative Hawker's earlier  observation about the level                                                                 
   of intoxication at .16 and  voiced concern about the average                                                                 
   Representative  Ramras  said  he  accepts  the .08  standard                                                                 
   because it is the law of the  land.  He stressed that no  one                                                                
   should not operate a vehicle at .16 BAC.                                                                                     
   2:44:19 PM                                                                                                                 
Ms. Pierson  explained how a  drunken wheel works,  noting it                                                                   
provides a low standard.                                                                                                        
2:45:41 PM                                                                                                                    
QUINLAN  STEINER, (TESTIFIED  VIA TELECONFERENCE),  DIRECTOR,                                                                   
OFFICE  OF  PUBLIC DEFENDER,  ANCHORAGE,  offered  to  answer                                                                   
questions on the fiscal note.                                                                                                   
JOSH FINK,  (TESTIFIED VIA TELECONFERENCE),  PUBLIC ADVOCATE,                                                                   
OFFICE  OF PUBLIC ADVOCACY,  offered to  answer questions  of                                                                   
the Committee.                                                                                                                  
Representative  Ramras recommended  checking  with the  State                                                                   
Troopers to get a more accurate read on the numbers.                                                                            
Representative  Kelly pointed out  that the proposed  numbers                                                                   
were different from those made by MADD.                                                                                         
Representative  Joule discussed  a device  for cars  that can                                                                   
measure intoxication.   Representative  Ramras replied  it is                                                                   
called an  Ignition Lock, adding  that it would  be difficult                                                                   
to have  a standard  that could  not be  enforced in  both an                                                                   
urban  and  rural   areas.    That  device   can  cause  many                                                                   
operational difficulties.                                                                                                       
HB 321 was HELD in Committee for further consideration.                                                                         
The meeting was adjourned at 2:49 P.M.                                                                                          

Document Name Date/Time Subjects